7 Tips for Dog-Proofing Your Home

Dog-proofing your home

If you have a new dog or are expecting a furry addition to your family, it’s important to take steps to dog-proof your home. This will not only keep your dog safe, but it will also prevent any damage or accidents in your home. Follow these tips to make your home a safe and comfortable space for your furry friend.

7 tips for dog-proofing your home

  1. Identify and remove potential hazards: 
    The first step in dog-proofing your home is to identify any potential hazards. This includes things like small objects that your dog could swallow, toxic plants, and medications that could be harmful to your dog. Make sure to keep these items out of reach or put them in a secure location where your dog cannot access them.
  2. Tips for Dog-Proofing Your HomeKeep your trash can secure: 
    Trash cans can be a major temptation for dogs, as they often contain food scraps and other tasty treats. Make sure to keep your trash can securely closed and out of reach to prevent your dog from getting into it.
  3. Secure your windows and doors: 
    Dogs are curious by nature and may try to escape through an open window or door. Make sure to keep all windows and doors securely closed and locked when you’re not home to prevent your dog from accidentally getting out.
  4. Use baby gates: 
    If you want to keep your dog out of certain areas of your home, such as the kitchen or living room, consider using baby gates. This will allow you to block off certain areas of your home without having to constantly shut doors.
  5. Keep cords and wires out of reach: 
    Dogs love to chew on cords and wires, which can be dangerous and even deadly if ingested. Make sure to keep all cords and wires out of reach or use cord covers to protect them.
  6. Use pet-friendly cleaning products: 
    Many cleaning products can be toxic to dogs, so it’s important to use pet-friendly products when cleaning your home. Look for products that are specifically designed for use around pets and be sure to store them in a secure location where your dog cannot access them.
  7. Invest in a crate or playpen: 
    A crate or playpen can be a great tool for dog-proofing your home. It will give your dog a safe and secure place to relax when you’re not home, and it can also be used to keep your dog out of trouble when you’re busy.


Dog-proofing your home is an important step in ensuring the safety and well-being of your furry friend. By identifying and removing potential hazards, keeping your trash can secure, securing your windows and doors, using baby gates, keeping cords and wires out of reach, using pet-friendly cleaning products, and investing in a crate or playpen, you can create a safe and comfortable environment for your dog.