Why Are Dogs Afraid Of Thunder?

Dogs can be afraid of thunder for several reasons. According to an article by veterinarians.org, some of the reasons include:

  • Barometric pressure changes: Dogs can sense the significant drop in barometric pressure or simply air pressure occurring during thunderstorms.
  • Noise phobias: Some dogs have noise phobias – they are scared by the sudden and loud noises produced by the thunder rumbles and the wind.
  • Static electricity buildup: Dogs with long and dense fur easily build up static electricity in their coat. As a result, when they touch a metal object, they can get a small electric shock. The shock is not painful but uncomfortable and adds up to the already awkward situation.

The Dodo explains that dogs are scared of thunder simply because they don’t know what that loud noise is. “For most dogs, fear or anxiety during thunderstorms is associated with the noise of the thunder,” Dr. Austin told The Dodo. “These dogs might have similar responses to other loud noises, such as fireworks.”